April 09, 2016

Going crazy

Lately I've been feeling very thankful for my fabric stash. (I hardly ever throw fabric away unless it's a teeny-tiny scrap from a sewing project.)  It's coming in handy for my current project: crazy quilts.  I'm not actually making quilts though.  That would be much too tedious for my short attention span.  

Here is my finished iPad cover.  I opted for a snap closure.  Just a quick little pop rather than that agonizingly irritating sound of Velcro coming loose.

Now I've moved on to 10" x 10" crazy quilt squares that I will make into purses.  I have 3 pieces with the patches all stitched on.  Now the fun part begins....the embroidery and beaded embellishments.  I will work on them as my arthritic sewing finger allows.  That finger used to work so well too.  Doesn't it know that I have lots more stitching to do?  Please, Lord, don't make me have to play Bingo.

The only real unfortunate part of the crazy-quilting process is the pile of fabric on the floor that requires being neatly folded and put back into the fabric-stash cubbies.....or not.

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