January 13, 2016

Tequila sunrise

Oh.  Did I say tequila sunrise?  I meant to say California sunrise.  Mr. Gadget and I are now at the Calcondo for a couple of months and he took this lovely picture this morning before I got up.  I've settled into my normal west-coast self, which means I'm slow getting up and have very little motivation to anything that remotely resembles a chore.  This morning I sat on the couch with my iPad and my coffee and watched him wash windows.  He's what you'd call a go-getter, and it's amazing when you realize how long we've made a go of it.

But I do have plans and some of them involve chores.  Others involve crafts.  My needle-felting fiber is sitting nicely in a box waiting for me.  My hat project has been progressing, although slowly.  I've had to do some ripping out and reworking in order to get the size I want.  Once I get it figured out I'll make more just like it.  They're great to work on while watching TV.  Although, I can't work on anything during Downton Abbey and Doc Martin.  I've missed them.  Have you?

I checked the website of the local senior center to see if they have a knitting group.  They do.  And they also have something called an open crafts workshop.  That sounds intriguing.  I hope the ladies are friendly there.  It's always hard to barge in on a new group when you don't know anyone, but I've had some practice.  It usually takes a few weeks to learn names.  I'll be friendly and hopefully they'll be friendly back.  And I'll be sure to remember the most important rule of joining in with a new group:  Don't be a know-it-all.  I'll keep my lip zipped--even when it's obvious someone is terribly off-base....

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