October 11, 2015

Eyes been busy!

I now have two new eyes.
Both cataract surgeries were
successful and easy.
Except for the darn drops
that seem to go on forever.
I have a good Drop Manager.
In fact, I've just promoted him to
Vice President of Drops.
I finished some crafty things
for the Columbus weekend show and
delivered them to the old hotel.
Friday night I attended the
gala opening party
and hobnobbed with some
 other artsy folks.
It's a perfect weekend for
craft shows.
Sunny, pleasant temps, and lots of
trees wearing colors.
Now I'm working on 
Christmas and winter things.
Dolls, ornaments, and
Mr. Gadget and I are doing
more downsizing.
Before moving from our house
to the condo
almost 7 years ago...
we thought we had completed
that task.
But no.
More has accumulated.
My Treehouse has overgrown.
Vines and thickets and unruly things.
I need to do some weeding.
But I'm not a gardener.
Maybe I could hire someone.
Perhaps a tree service?
And now that I have new eyes
I seem to have dust bunnies
They must have heard
I'd be out having
some procedures
and decided to form
a welcoming committee.

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