August 20, 2015


Ya got that?  Sometimes I spend more time thinking up blog post titles than I do writing the thing.

I've been busy working on stuff.  And I've been doodling in my sketchbook at odd moments of inactivity.  I make  sketches with my black pen. That's fun, but not as much fun as the coloring part....wherein I enter a calming zen-ness of sorts.

I finished the red-felted bead necklace and posed it on the fig tree with one of my favorite jackets.
I'm pleased with it and will give it a test run one of these days.  A very nice saleslady at Michael's helped me select the hardware I needed to put it together.  Very simple.

Here's the Mona Lisa, I mean a homely witch with her clay face all dry and ready for paint.  Hat, clothes, and body parts will come later.
Here's a needle-felted Santa in progress (about 5-6" tall).  The eclecticollection requires me to wash my hands a lot.  And whenever I go for a pedicure and the nice Asian lady asked me if I want a manicure too, I always say, "No thanks. I'd have to come back tomorrow."  Which would be fine with her I'm sure.

Here's a sketch of another work-in-progress.  I made a paper machine pumpkin, and am working on a paperclay witch that will sit atop.  She's in a time-out at the moment until I can figure out how to make her hands so they won't break off.  I think I have an idea so I'll give it a go later today.

And then there's been the sketching and coloring I mentioned earlier.  Here's a sample:

I guess you could say I'm elbow-deep in one big creativextravaganza.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Love the name and the collection!