September 07, 2014

Sunday stuff

I have a fairly nice crop of witches this year.
Or should I say, a small bouquet.
This morning Mr. Gadget took a walk
around the neighborhood.
"Come back with one interesting fact,"
I instructed.
"They're painting lines on the new parking area,"
he said, upon his return.
"Any interesting facts from the Treehouse?" he asked.
"Yes,"  I said. "Things are never dull up there."
He was sitting on the edge of his chair anxiously waiting to hear...
"I've figured out that fabric flowers turn out much prettier when I put some stuffing in the petals."
I call this little exercise relationship enrichment.
I've discovered recently that many foods taste better
with a bit of gorgonzola cheese and Craisins added.
The same could be said for cilantro.
I've also learned that when one lives in a senior condo complex,
one must attend a funeral now and then.
And visit friends who've had knee and hip replacements.
Big City Girl came for a visit last weekend.
She and her father had their usual game of Scrabble.
BCG won, but only by a few there were
none of the usual tears and hurt feelings.
I've begun a drawer-cleaning project.
Cleaning out one drawer a day is quite easy and painless.
If only the same could be said for flossing.

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