December 31, 2013

Adding to the menagerie

A new needle-felting project is underway.  I've mentioned how addictive this hobby is for me.  While I'm working on one project I'm thinking ahead to what I'll make next.  It's a little like obsessing about the ice cream in the freezer while eating the last of the Christmas cookies.
I made some good progress on this kitty to the point of having him almost completely covered in gray fiber with a few white patches, but I wasn't happy with the result.  The gray fiber was in strands and difficult to work with on such a small project.  I'm now covering him with black--a shorter fiber and easier to manipulate around his creases and curves.  I'm still very much a novice in the realm of needle felting.

As most of you have come to learn, I always have many more project ideas than time to do them.  I've been contemplating taking on a bigger project--a standing figure, maybe a foot high, of someone I know.  This will require an armature, but I've done those before with cloth and clay dolls.  

On another subject, remember the Treehouse cleaning-by-the-clock idea I mentioned in a previous post?  I actually traveled back in time and straightened up the left side of my computer desk--the 11 o'clock to noon time slot. And no sooner had I done that than the noon to 3 o'clock slot got littered up again.  I can see now that I need a better system.  Maybe I'll just call those folks at 1-800 Junk.

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