June 21, 2013

Rising and shining

Good morning all!  Oh, wait a minute....It's 2:30 in the afternoon.  I just took a little snooze on the deck.  Being retired is hard work, and when Friday comes along I'm pooped.  While I was out there....well, part of the time anyway...I was reading.  Have you read Wild by Cheryl Strayed?  It's the story of her trek on the Pacific Crest Trail from Mohave, California to the Oregon/Washington border.  I love reading about people and their exploits, so I'm finding it very entertaining.  But not so engrossing, apparently, that I would avoid a nap in the sunshine. 

So while I'm sitting here drinking my second cup of wake-up coffee, I'll tell you what I've been up do.  First of all, the creativity day was a success.  I had hoped for more lookers, but we had a decent turnout, and everyone who stopped by seemed quite impressed with our work.
 I've been doing more needle-felting.

This is stickman with a felted pumpkin head.  I might shorten his stem, and give him more teeth.  Then I guess some clothes are in order.
This is a witch-in-progress.  The yellow area is just the core wool that I will use as a base on which to felt a pale green head and face.  I'm learning this technique through trial and error, and by watching youtube videos and reading felting websites.  There's really no end of things you can learn how to do that way.

So, tomorrow Mr. Gadget and I will be taking the train down to Grand Central to have lunch with Big City Girl.  Mr. G is not a big fan of the train, and I'm not fond of taking the car.  This time I won, and I hope Mr. Gadget won't moan and complain and spoil a pleasant ride. It has been known to happen.  If it does happen, I have a good plan in place for the return trip.  He'll be on the 3:48 and I'll be on the 4:23.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

How did that train ride go? Fun to visit Big City Girl. The creativity banner and event were (no surprise here) a success. Glad that all went well and now maybe a new tradition at the Concondo? Nice that you are readying for the upcoming seasonal fun with witches and Santas -- and I like that bird, too. Such a versatile crafter! My hat is off to you.