May 14, 2013

Stick man and the cauliflower cat

Last time Mr. Gadget and I took a walk in the park, I was on the lookout for doll fixins'.  There are body parts everywhere if a person just pays attention.  I gathered up some sticks and when we got home I assigned Mr. Gadget a task. I sent him down to the basement to do some sawing and drilling.  While he was down there, I went up to the Treehouse and made a little pillow out of duck cloth.
Our joint effort resulted in Stick Man.....who will become Mr. Pumpkin Man once he's all dressed and fitted with a permanent clay head.  It just occurred to me that with a little more sawing and a few more drill holes he could have had knees.  I'll keep that in mind for my next stick man.  I have no intention of sending this one back to Mr. G's workshop.  I don't think I could stomach an amputation....especially now that he has a heart.

Remember Pickles, the paper-mache cat?

Now that I've begun to cover him with paper mache, I'm not very pleased with how he's progressing.  He looks like he's covered with cauliflower.
When I began to mix the dry mache pulp with water I noticed right away that the consistency was all wrong.  It wasn't going to adhere easily to the newspaper I'd wrapped around the pickle jar.  Finally, it dawned on me that in my excitement to use my 40%-off coupon at Michael's,  I grabbed a box of Celluclay instead of Instant Mache.  I'm sure the former is fine for making a volcano for the school science fair, or a solar system for same, but it just doesn't work well for cats.

I'm going to finish him though.  I might as well use the stuff up.  I'm pretty sure I can smooth him out with a little sandpaper.  You can sand cauliflower, can't you?  Sounds like a job for Mr. Gadget.

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