December 09, 2012

Zip it!

I finished a couple of small zippered bags.  These have 7" zippers so are small enough to stick in a purse to hold lipsticks, mad money, or a little of this-and-that.  They require very little fabric, so it's a good project for using up remnants from other projects.  They are lined with a coordinating fabric...which probably sounds difficult but it's not.  Here is the tutorial if you'd like to make one, or a couple dozen, of your own.

Last Tuesday I took a fun road trip with my knitting friends up to Bernardston, Massachusetts--just south of the Vermont border.  Yes, I left poor Mr. Gadget at home to pine for me and scrounge up his own lunch.  Our destination was The Kringle Candle Company and Christmas Barn and Chocolate Cottage and Farm Table Restaurant--a complex of goodness that promised to infuse us with Christmas spirit.
Other Marcia--who now only blogs on very rare occasions like alternate leap years--dressed for the festivities.
There were Santas-a-plenty.

And gingerbread goodness.
And candles, of course.

I splurged on a snowman tea-light holder and 3 fragrant tea lights--all of which I could have, no doubt, found at the local dollar store for much less.  But I got carried away with the magic of it all know how that goes.  He's in good company on the mantel and promises to keep his little feathered friends nice and toasty.

Mr. Gadget and I are getting close to our departure date for the Calcondo.  We're going out early this year.  I think I already mentioned this. Next weekend we'll be getting together with my side of the family, and soon after that we'll be heading up north to spend the holiday with his side.  By New Years we might both be ready for the looney bin.  It's possible.... 


Kathy W said...

Hey we can all meet at the looney bin! Enjoyed your blog with pictures and crafts! Whattabout the haircut chez stylist barber? Wellategju 4482 bon voyage.....

Kathy W. again said...

That is funny my robot detector phrase was caught up in my comment! HA