July 20, 2012

Just checkin' in

It's one of those weeks with lots to blog about, but no time to blog.  I hate when that happens.

Mr. Gadget and I are in Maui for a week, staying with his brother and wife in their beautiful home with an incredible view of Molokai.  I do expect to post while we're here, but will have to save the pictures till we're back at the Calcondo at the end of next week.

Here's what I'm looking at now.  A fake owl floating around on a boogie board in the pool.  So far it's the only solution for keeping the egrets from loitering and pooping poolside.  Hanging old CD's from string stretched across the pool didn't work.  Apparently this is the Maui version of the California ant problem.

It's good to know that pests of all kinds are hard at work.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

wow Judy Kaho and I are about to have Thrifty's ice cream on the porch! The view isn't Hawaiian but it isn't too bad, either. You are peripatetic as I've ever seen! lol Happy AHS Reunion month....
Kathy (Judy needs to show up before the iced cream melts too much more!HA)