May 31, 2012

Cooking a five-course dinner on a camp stove

It just hit me like a 10-lb. sack of potatoes. I've got too many pots simmering and not enough burners.  Dinner's gonna be late. Or, to put it another way, I've got too many darn projects underway and not enough remaining lifetime to get them all done.

There's Thelma.....who's now wearing pink undies because you just never know when someone might have a notion to look under a librarian's skirt. 
She almost got a head yesterday, but it was much too small and will be re-assigned to a witch at a later date.

There's the puffins--who just don't look right standing on a field of French knots.  Those must come out and be replaced by something more.....oh.... I-don't-know-yet.

And remember my pile o' rocks that awaits crocheted sweaters? And the niece quilt? And I need to start thinking about the old hotel craft fair in October and what I might make for that. They're probably hoping I'll come up with something fresh and innovative.

Did I really agree to make a ring bearer's pillow for Big City Girl's friend who's getting married next Spring?  And will I be able to finish reading a book (The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh) in time for the library book discussion later this month? I should also finish the organizing job I started in the Treehouse after Mr. Gadget so graciously offered me his two-drawer legal file cabinet. 
And still simmering are those crochet-covered hangers--my answer for all of my leftover sock yarn.
There's no time to knit a cat even if I wanted to.  Maybe the time has come for one of these:

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