July 06, 2011


Mr. Gadget and I arrived at the Calcondo on Sunday and have been settling in. He's been checking out the electronic gadgets to make sure they're all up and running, and I've been recuperating from jet lag. It's a tough job.

Soon after arriving we took a walk around the complex to stretch our legs and see what's new, and I found this bit of craftiness parked at the curb. So clever, don't you think? My grandma could have crocheted this in a jiffy with her eyes closed. Not me. I'd need a pattern and plenty of tutoring.

Another thing we like to do is catch up on the condo news. This is done by collecting 4 months worth of weekly newsletters from the floor in front of the front-door mail slot and putting them in date order. We hate to get ahead of ourselves. We're always amused by the antics of the folks who runs our homeowners association.

These folks are much like a pot of homemade soup. You throw all of the ingredients in the pot, heat it and stir it for a while, and then put it in the fridge for a cooling off period after which you use your skimming tool to remove most of the top layer--the one that causes clogged arteries and high blood pressure. I find this recipe very unappealing. Maybe I'll donate my soup pot to the thrift shop just to be safe.

One newsletter tidbit that did catch my eye was the notice for a newly-formed knit and crochet group. This sounds more like my cup o' tea. Maybe someone there will have the pattern for the crocheted seat cover. I wonder if it could be tweaked to fit my beach chair?

1 comment:

Marcia said...

That cover is tacky to the point of being cool! Enjoy California....I hear that thirteen counties are trying to secede and become the 51st state. Or maybe it's the 58th if you believe our president......