May 17, 2011

Getting organized

Mr. Gadget is the organizer in our house, so it really wasn't a big surprise when he offered to help me with some organizing in the Treehouse. Any organizing I've done previously was just pretend organizing--nothing remotely resembling the real thing. This recent effort started after we decided to purchase two new recliners for the loft--to allow for more comfortable TV viewing. This then prompted Mr. G. to rearrange some electronic gadgets, which then required him to steal back a big wooden bookcase he had given me for the Treehouse.

Soon he was strutting around the Treehouse with his tape measure. Actually, it was my tape measure. I think a gal should have a tape measure, and maybe a screwdriver too. The basics. And then he was off to Home Depot for some shelves.

Mr. Gadget is ever-hopeful that eventually he'll be able to train me to be as organized as he is, but the effort required to do this is like pushing a dump truck uphill. I'm resistant. Only because the process of getting organized takes away from precious creating time. He tries to motivate me by buying special containers for my craft supplies. See the nice dark brown ones and the lighter brown ones with the basket weave?

I buy cheap containers at the dollar store. Ones that come pre-labeled so I don't have to waste valuable crafting time sorting things out.

Sometimes I find cheap, colorful ones too. It never hurts to add a touch of color.

See that black area? That's my TV. It's at a perfect level so I merely have to move my eyes up from my handwork and not my whole head. The white drawers are holding my yarn stash. Tech Guy donated this piece. There's no telling what he used it for, so I gave it a good airing-out.

I'm almost totally organized now and I'm feeling surprisingly good about it. Maybe I'll just sit here quietly till the feeling passes.....

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

Fun, Marcia! Enjoyed catching up on your blog. Thank you!