March 19, 2011

Spring is springing

I'm doing some Spring decorating.
It's so much more fun than Spring cleaning.
If I ruled the house,
I'd decorate with a witch for every season.
It's probably just as well I'm not all-powerful.
The neighbors, and all of the various service people
who call on us with regularity,
would think we're weird.
I don't pay attention to the changing of the seasons.
Mr. Gadget keeps me updated.
He's in charge of the thermostat.
If I feel heat coming out of the vents
I put a santa or a snowmen on the table in the entryway.
If I feel cool air,
I get out the bugs and other garden-loving critters.
Today I put the finished felted flowers on the fireplace mantel.

For safe-keeping.

I'm a little weary now of felted flowers.

I'm moving on to bird ornaments.

I'll embellish them with embroidery and beads.
I like small birds,

but they make for a challenging embellishing process.

I might make slightly bigger birds

that would be easier to manipulate.

I haven't forgotten The Bawdy One.
I'll work on her soon,

when I'm ready to start a new gaggle of clay-faced witches.

I'm ready to open a new package of clay.

Fresh clay is the best clay.
Old clay is like old crayons.


I sold all of my clay-faced witches last year.

This has inspired me to make more.

And if they don't sell this time around,

I'll revert to my witches for every season plan.

Because having a reputation for weirdness is far better than

having no reputation at all.

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