December 21, 2010

Tagging along

I was feeling rather smug at 11:00 a.m. this morning--the official time of the completion of my Christmas shopping. Soon, I began to ponder what kinds of fun things I could do to fill my time between now and Christmas--other than the always-exciting food shopping and gift wrapping. Before long I was up in the Treehouse looking around for crafty supplies to make gift tags.
Luckily, I had everything I needed: card stock, old rubber stamps, gel pens, scissors, a hole punch, and red crochet thread.
Santa's beard could probably use a little more coloring, but then...of course....he wouldn't look primitive. I kinda like things a little rough around the edges.

I think these are my favorites. With a red bowtie colored in, he was transformed into a Christmas kitty. I'm fond of his neon green eyes. He was just a sleepy-looking thing till I colored those in. Now he's looking a bit he just ingested some premium catnip.

I'm hoping I've made enough tags for the gifts I've purchased for Mr. Gadget, Tech Guy and Big City Girl. If not, I may have to take something back. No. Just kidding. But I'm going to leave all my tag-making supplies on my work space--the dining room table--just in case I have to make more. Then, it's very likely I'll be making what I make best. Dinner reservations.


Marcia said...

OMG...I think I HAVE all those stamps! So, what did I do? Make gift tags? Noooooo. I drew them on the packages with marker. On the packages wrapped in brown kraft paper. I might even have drawn the bows on a few....

Next year, we should pool our tools and gadgets and have a card/tag-making party!

Merry Christmas to you both! (Missed the cartoon this year....)

Marge Malwitz said...

love these!

Kathy W. said...

Merry Christmas, Marcia and family!