November 22, 2010

In a baking mood

The gangly group of good-for-nothings has been deposited at the old hotel and now await a chance to strut their stuff. The craft show isn't until the first weekend in December, so they'll have a couple of weeks to bide their time.
Meanwhile, I've been pondering a new project that's a little smaller in scale. I've decided to knit some mini-sweater ornaments.

I have plenty of materials in my stash--leftover sock yarn and small double-pointed knitting needles. It took me about 4 attempts to cast on and get it going, but now I'm on a roll. This itty-bitty sweater is being knitted from the top down in a raglan style. I've finished the neck ribbing and am headed downward. The really fun part will be making the itty-bitty wire hanger when I'm done. It's probably going to be a whole lot easier to manipulate the needle-nosed plyers than the 5 knitting needles. I think if I sit with Mr. Gadget for one more boring football game I should be able to finish it.

For a long time I've been giving thought to making a collection of handmade Christmas ornaments. A change of pace from all dolls all the time sounds appealing. I have lots of ideas. I enjoy doing craft fairs in the Fall, and ornaments would be easy to transport and reasonably priced for wider appeal.

In other news, the vinyl siding is finally being applied to the new building next door.

The pistachio ice cream and Pepto Bismol are being replaced with buttercream frosting. Suddenly I've got a hankerin' for cupcakes. This end unit is a mirror image of ours. The windows on the top left correspond to those in the Treehouse. The small window on the bottom is Mr. Gadget's office. The ones in the middle (l to r: kitchen, master bath, master bedroom) are what we refer to as the buffer zone. This insures that our retirement years will continue to be happy and relatively stress-free. Well, that and the pet gate....


Marge Malwitz said...

Marcia-we have to make some time to get together when I get back!! I sure do love reading your blog.
Not signed up for tree trimming-thought I would be totally out of it having just got back.

Marcia said...

How did Sheila's go last weekend?

Do you get the catalogues from Knit Picks? There were a bunch of mini sweater ornaments on the cover...I may still have it. I know I have other mini ornament patterns, too, including mittens and stocking caps. Too cute.

Getting ready for a trip to WEBS after T'giving. Any dates (other than 11/29 or 1/2) good for you? The following week is good for me, too, although earlier is better since I'm shopping for Christmas present ingredients!