September 20, 2010

Just like the Hollywood Walk of Fame, almost

It seems our town has taken notice of my sewing hobby and honored me with several well-placed manhole covers. They may be all over town for all I know. I am indeed honored.

So, I've been working on dolls in an effort to get a gang of them finished in time for delivery to the old hotel on October 2. Last year I named all of my dolls, but I'm not in a naming mood this year. I wonder if people will be expecting names? Is it possible I've set a precedent? Maybe I'll outsource that job.

Yesteday I cut out and stuffed a muslin cat--another oldie from the archives of the Macaroni Pattern Works.

It's kind of a cleansing-of-the-palate project after a steady diet of the regular characters. I'll paint him black for Halloween and give him a funny face, and attach a little hanger to the back so he can be either displayed on a shelf or hung on a wall.

And as long as I'm cleansing my palate, maybe I'll pour myself a glass of that I'm a local celebrity, almost.

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