April 29, 2010
Keeping watch
April 25, 2010
Ride biking
"Let's wait till this family goes by," I said, as I noticed a threesome approaching us on the trail. No sense photographing dorkiness with witnesses, I thought. But one of the three must have noticed me getting my camera out of the bag.
"Would you like me to take a picture of both of you?" he asked, before I had a chance to run and hide my dorky self behind the tree.
"Uh, yeah. Sure. "
Afterwards, we continued our ride down the trail, with Mr. G following closely behind me--in case he had to pick up any of my pieces. At one point I almost gave up and pushed my bike off into the woods near a flock of chickens. Yes, chickens. They must have heard about the embroidery.
"I don't think I'm ever going to get the hang of this," I barked at him. "How am I supposed to manage two gearshifts while remembering to brake at the right time and steer in a straight line, all while watching out for oncoming traffic and managing to endure the pain in my butt from this razor-sharp bike seat?"
Mr. Gadget very smartly remained quiet. He probably knew I'd catch on eventually, and it might be best not to offer advice. "Would you like me to take a picture of you with the chickens?" he offered.
So today it's raining and a good opportunity to look over the food quilt to see what's left to do.
April 23, 2010
Favorite uncle
Uncle isn't quite finished, so I've just photographed him from the waist up. He'll need a flag to hold, and some shoes. He was about to choose the clodhoppers, but then reconsidered--just in case he decides to fly somewhere. Maybe he'll opt for a nice pair of red-glittered flip-flops.
So I haven't been much in the mood for doll sewing. It comes and goes. But I have a few cut out, so I'll proceed at the aforementioned leisurely pace. I've been making these beanbag dolls (so named because they have weighted pellets inside for almost limitless posing potential) for about 20 years.
I keep thinking I'll make some different kinds of dolls, but then someone will beg or bribe, I mean ask me to make a pilgrim for their aunt who wants one in the worst way. Or a friend will ask if I could make a polka-dotted cat for her granddaughter's birthday, etc. etc. I'd like to stop, but I hate to disappoint. Plus, I have a big fabric stash. I have to use it up or donate it....or, Heaven forbid....make quilts. That's not gonna happen. I'm a gal who likes a craft that will sit in my lap like a big fat cat. Besides that, I've still got the food quilt stewing....and a soup pot full of guilt to go with it.
April 21, 2010
Forewarned is forefooted
These will be pretty reasonable, all things considered. It's because they're so darn cute. Only $15.00. Whatever you do, don't let the ticket agent talk you into a pet carrier. Totally unnecessary. Just be firm and state that you'd rather wear your pets.
I hope you've found this review helpful. You know it will eventually come to this. Might as well plan ahead and insure that your feet will be flying smartly.
April 19, 2010
Sister Mary Rebellious
April 17, 2010

April 15, 2010
A blog clog
April 09, 2010
April 05, 2010
It's a wonderful story full of little pieces of family history I had never known, or more likely, had forgotten. Much of it was probably discussed at family gatherings back when I was much younger and less interested. My aunt is the oldest of four siblings, and she is the only one surviving--in fine form I should add. She travels the world, paints, walks, and pays regular visits to elderly shut-ins within her church and neighborhood. She is Dear-ol'-Dad's older sister.
One of my favorite tidbits is how my father, as a small child sitting on his father's lap, was fascinated by the reflections he could see in my grandfather's glasses. Maybe the reason this struck me so is that I remember playing Double Solitaire with my dad when I was a child and how I could often see the cards he was holding in the reflection of his glasses.
The only thing that puts me off about writing my memoirs is the size of the undertaking. There's been lots of water under the bridge and not all of it was the crystal clear kind you see around tropical islands. Some of it was sort of murky. Do I dare dirty up the clear water with debris from the river bottom? It's a bit of a dilemma.
I did read a book once about memoir writing. The author suggested a good way to make this seemingly daunting task less daunting. He said to pick an incident or memory from your life and write a page about it. Then put that page in a folder marked Memoirs--or Important Information from the IRS, if you don't want anyone peeking. Continue to do this, one page at a time, until you have a fairly good-sized collection. When you think you're done, put the pages in order according to your life's timeline.
This sounds pretty easy. Not too daunting either. I hate things that are daunting. That's why I'm thinking of starting my memoirs pretty soon so I can procrastinate a little longer about the daunting housework....
April 01, 2010
Today I bought some frames with the idea of enlarging some of our travel photos and creating a pleasing wall arrangement. I'm counting on Mr. Gadget to get them all lined up and properly measured, and by all means leveled. This isn't too much to ask of a gadget guy, is it? If previous experiences are any indication, I may have to settle for 2 out of 3. Oh, I'm just kidding! I'm sure Mr. G will do a fine job.
It's so nice to be feeling good again. I have a few housekeeping chores to catch up on....well, except for the dusting and vacuuming. Those are both on my list for next March. Today, with weather that was finally Springy, we opened a few windows to let in some fresh air. I just have to say, it sure is great not having to go out in the yard and pick up sticks and yard debris. Spring clean-up (the new version) will be limited to sweeping the porch and contemplating choices for a colorful front-door wreath. I wonder if the NO's (new owners) of our OH (old house) have blisters yet from raking all those sticks and twigs into piles? Oh, I'm just kidding about that too. I'm sure they're thrilled to finally have a big yard. I hope they're taking good care of Bob.
So I guess while I'm busy doing housekeeping chores, I should find a place to stash this.