January 25, 2010

We're goin' to the dogs

So the sun finally came out after days and days of rain, and I can't explain why exactly but I suddenly got the urge to break out the clay.
It's a witch head, of course, and this time I remembered the warts....a large one on her chin and a smaller one on her nose. It's never too early to think about Halloween, is it?I decided to put a clay hat on her. I still have to make a hat band, and some kind of hat embellishment....but I have a plan and I'll get to it later today. After she's all sanded and painted, I'll try gluing on some hair just under the hat brim. I may not make as many witches this year as last. My leftovers are haunting the treehouse.

Yesterday I set out to visit one of my favorite little gift shops, but a traffic light malfunction at a really big intersection nearby convinced me to make a detour. I ended up at the book store, where I had fun browsing through this:
I almost bought it, but then I remembered I really don't like being elbow-deep in flour and water paste. Finger-deep in crafty clay is much more my speed. I did pick up a couple of good tips about painting, as well as a good way to install teeth. The author mentioned he has a butcher friend who supplies him with cow teeth for some of his largest monsters. Good thing my creatures are small so I have no need to consider that grisly option.

And from the funny things I see while I'm out and about file, the other day I was in Joann's picking up some muslin. I know, I know. I go there entirely too often. But I just can't function in my crafty little world without muslin. Anyway, I had just taken a number at the cutting table when I happened to notice a woman nearby who was pushing one of these:
The manager came over to remind her that dogs were not allowed in the store, and that there was a sign on the front door to that effect. She hadn't noticed it, she said, and she mentioned that she had never had a problem taking her dog into other stores. She continued to stand in line with the pooch. Apparently he'd already taken a number.....


Kathy W said...

The things you can see in the state of California ought to keep you busy taking pictures!!

What about cupid, the little but good monster? and Valentine, the good witch??? maybe they don't make 'em like that any more and/or maybe they never did. Then there is the good Green witch.

We go by Maple St. and think of you!

Marcia said...

I think you should have bought the book, for inspiration if nothing else!

As for the dog, well, we decided in Belgium and France (where you are as likely to see a dog on the seat next to you as a person, and often under the adjoining table in a restaurant) that the dogs were better behaved than the children, ahem. If the dog is not YAPPING, I have no problem with it. On the other hand, I'd like to, well, you know, the ones that live up the street from me and are left outside to bark much of the day!

Oh, and thanks a lot for sending that rainstorm this way :)