August 01, 2009

Obsession: it's not just a perfume

Yesterday Mr. Gadget walked up to the corner drug store to buy a bottle of wine. Medicinal wine. In Connecticut, a person cannot buy wine in a drug store, or a grocery store for that matter. One must go to a package store...on any day but Sunday. But here in Cali, just about anything goes. I knew right away, when he came in the door with a big bag in each hand, that he hadn't exactly stuck to his shopping list. Mr. G can't pass up a bargain.
I was noticing my visor today and realized how like an empty canvas it is. I think it needs some embellishment. I'm sure I have a little something around here....

Earlier today we took a drive up to the botanical gardens--me with my woefully unadorned visor--and strolled around the perimeter. Some thoughtful person had painted a green line for visitors to follow.
While we were there, a large crew was setting up for a wedding, and guests were starting to arrive--including many women wearing saris. As we neared the exit, we noticed this:

We're guessing this is the groom. Not the horse, silly. The guy on the right. And doesn't it look like there's room for two people on that horse? I think the bride and groom will be riding in. Sure beats that long tiring walk down the aisle. I mentioned to Mr. G my fear that this would be another one of those big extravagant weddings that is followed very soon by laundry and vacuuming and the other mundane chores of everyday life. I hope the bride realizes the horse is going back to the stable after the wedding, and hubby won't be delivering her morning coffee on it.

So Tech Guy is home safe and sound and now I can give up my worry knitting. He says he had a great time. I'm sure his late grandfather would have been very proud--world traveler that he was. I like to think he was riding shotgun....


Kathy W said...

I am going to the gardens tomorrow. Hope that there will be no weddings. Looks like Scherazade (spell) was it a costume thing or for real?

So Mr. G likes Cheezits...good about TG and all!!!

Beautiful job on the visor!

Jen said...

10! boxes of cheez-its! Holy cow! (chuckle)