May 16, 2008

Still recooping

Yesterday, Mr. Gadget asked me if I wanted to join him on a trip to Costco, but I politely declined. The thought of getting in the car to go anywhere makes me nauseous, although I did manage to drive myself to the dentist this morning.
"My, you've got quite a lot going on in your mouth," my dentist commented, after taking a quick look around.
"Yes, over the years I've amassed a good collection of your dental supplies," I said. "But at least I have good hair."
So yesterday I embarked on a quick and simple sewing project and finished the Wichita napkins.
Here they are with one of my favorite coffee mugs. Hmmmm......they really do match it pretty well. But of course I will march right over to the post office and mail them off to the prairie first chance I get.

And one more thing about the Wichita trip before I move on to crafty things....or maybe a nature study. Uncle Birdie and his family have a large backyard that's bordered on one side by the Little Arkansas River. Here's my niece wading in the muddy water.
This river meets the Arkansas River in downtown Wichita and the two converge into one. A beautiful park has recently been completed on the land that forms the delta. In the park is a huge metal Indian statue (The Keeper of the Plains) and walking bridges over each of the rivers just before they join.
We were fortunate the sun was shining on the day we visited. I was standing on one of the bridges and you can see the other bridge structure just to the right of the statue. Just pretend that tower of power isn't there, ok?

So I was sure the wrens would be done with their nest-building by the time we returned, but yesterday they were still busy hauling twigs into the house. Well, except for this lazy one who sat on the deck rail and sang most of the afternoon.
Some time ago I learned that birds will use all sorts of things in their nest construction....even scraps of yarn if they were easy to find. So I snipped off a couple of pieces from a ball of red pest sweater yarn, and even added some scraps of raffia. I put them right on the deck rail where Mr. Lazybones had been sitting.
So far, no takers. They're probably in their little red and white house laughing themselves silly. Maybe Uncle Birdie was right. Maybe I should go make another cheesecake....


Anonymous said...

So, you can SPELL the Arkansas River, but can you pronounce it?! Sort of like Arkansas City: Ar KAN zus! Noel rowed crew with KU in that river!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog, Marcia. So glad you're back safely!. Wonder how well cheesecake made in Connecticut travels to California?? Hmmmm.
Molly McKean

kathy b said...

Great images. Love the bird offerring.