September 07, 2007

Headin' west

Mr. Gadget and I will be heading out to California tomorrow morning and, thankfully, we don't seem to be suffering the usual crazies this time. I think it's all the practice. That, and Mr. G's list-making abilities. He's honed it down to the essentials. Plus, now that Tech Guy has moved out, we don't have to give him the usual advice about taking care of the house while we're gone....which likely went in one ear and out the other.
I've almost finished another pair of socks. I just have to do the kitchener stitch to close the toe. That's the part where many sock knitters need total quiet for maximum concentration. There's a little knitting equation that must be followed, and Lord help you if you get sidetracked by a husband coming into the room and asking you where you put yesterday's newspaper or something else equally mundane. The only time I feel perfectly comfortable telling Mr. G. to "just shut up!" is when I'm doing the kitchener stitch. His usual response, as he's high-tailing it out to the garage for some yard tools is, "Oh, you must be doing that toe thingy again." I'm looking forward to making the next pair out of this bright and cheery yarn I got on sale at WEBS the last time I was there. Unless I decide to make the lavendar ones. Hmmmmm.....

So I'd better go pack my suitcase. Mr. G has generously offered me some space in his and I plan to take him up on it. Ladybug Lucille needs a ride this time, and I need some space for the hugs and kisses.
"Don't they sell those in California?" asked Mr. G.

"Well, yeah, I'm sure they do. But I found these here on sale," I told him confidently. "You always tell me not to pay full price for anything."
So, here he comes....ready to pack up the laptop. "Wait! Can't you just hold off one more minute till I finish this blog post? Can't you pack it up in the morning? I just have one more.........................."

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