July 15, 2007

Scenes from a birthday

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Here are a few scenes from the day:
Somewhere north of Omaha.

Airplane knitting.

The sun setting over the Whitestone Bridge - NYC

And a few photos from the day after.....

Tech Guy at the belated birthday lunch

Big City Girl, also at the belated lunch. See, I told you they were crafty!

BCG gave me a wonderful collaged picture album that she made herself. I'll have to put it in my next post, since I'm too lazy (can I blame it on jet lag?) to go downstairs and get it. Oh, and you see that tattoo? As Mr. G. was about to faint dead away, she reassured him it was just one of those temporary ones. Too bad about the two real ones. I think I'm much more fond of the temps.......


Anonymous said...

Heart in throat there for a minute....whew, on the tat!

Joseph Stevens said...

Great blog name! Very creative.
