April 03, 2007

It's always something!

So yesterday, when I was already downtown visiting the library, I decided I might as well visit the party store where I buy styrofoam cups for the family's traveling coffee needs. Well.....it seems that the makers of these cups would be well advised to take some direction from our efficient city workers. Now I must go back to the party store and exchange the lids for the 16-oz. variety......or the cups for the 15-7/8 oz. ones. The only reason I'm not totally ticked off about this is that there's a yarn store nearby.....heh....heh....

And speaking of yarn, tomorrow is Mr. Gadget and my 26th wedding anniversary, and I've already told him that I'm sure it's not a year for gold or silver or platinum....or anything like that. I'm pretty sure it's yarn. So maybe I'll plan my trek for the return of the styrofoam tomorrow so I can swing by the yarn store for a little anniversary present. After all, I'll be doing Mr. G a favor by taking that "husband gift dilemma" challenge right off of his shoulders.....

So today I got right down to business and redesigned the red hat pattern. I'm thinking of starting a new company called Patterns for Dummies. I plan to be my biggest customer. I love the purple dragonfly fabric too. There will definitely be a red hat lady made from this piece somewhere down the line. Let's see....I think I remember where I put the pattern.

The ladybug......she's Lorraine by the way.....is coming along nicely. I'm not sure what I'll use for the wings, but I think some shade of yellow would work well. I might have to stop by the fabric store on the way back from the yarn store tomorrow to find just the right yellow.....

In my next post, I'll tell you about a couple of exciting trips I've got coming up. Trip #1 is at the end of this month and not too far from home. Trip #2 is to a far-away place. There is a very good chance that I might die of fright on Trip #1, which really makes me wish these excursions were the other way around.

Stay tuned for more details.......


Anonymous said...

What an intriguing post....What could Trip #1 be???

Congrats to you and Mr. G. on your impending 26th wedding anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! When asked, my husband usually says we've been married "forever"! As for trip #1, I'd say colonoscopy, but you just did that, no? Can't wait to hear about #2!