March 14, 2007

Breaking News! Missing sock found!

I know I haven't blogged for a few days. Many times I've thought about it, but nothing blogworthy popped up in the old brain. Today, however, there's breaking news! Just like on CNN. Well, except there will be no references to Anna Nicole....

It all started when I decided to take my fluffy self back to Weight Watchers for a reality check and general overhaul of my depressing and sad diet program. As I was undressing for the scale know, watches, jewelry, belts, shoes, etc......I felt something lumpy as I slipped off one of my jacket sleeves. Sure enough, there was one of Mr. Gadget's socks which had gone missing after last week's laundry session. Fortunately, I was able to stick it in my purse before someone saw me and reported this incident to Laundry Protective Services....
Some bloggers, in recent weeks, have posted "Weird Things about Me" lists on their blogs. I've had a few chuckles reading them, but realized I could never do one because there's just really nothing very weird about me. On second thought, there is one weird thing. I like to track things. I always find it fun to track someone's airline flight. I know JetBlue has online maps for this purpose; I'm not sure about others. Then, several years ago, after Dear Ol' Dad gave up his driver's license, I had his car shipped back east. I was able to log on to the car transport company's website and watch the car making its way east. And yesterday I spent a lot of time on FedEx's website tracking an envelope that Tech Guy was waiting for.

This wasn't just any envelope either. It was one containing a check he needed to pick up a new car. Seems it got bogged down in Memphis due to a technical glitch. Funny, I don't see a line item above for WE SCREWED UP, but I'm sure it was just an oversight.

So the snow all but disappeared today what with the temps in the low 70's. Just the kind of weather to get us all excited about Spring. Now the weatherman says we can expect snow on Friday. He shouldn't be toying with us like this. It's enough to make a person weird. And speaking of that, I just thought of one more weird thing about me. I've been known to eat lasagna for breakfast. Maybe it's because of the weird Italian family I married into......

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